Tuesday, 1 April 2008

My allotment!

So you want people to be friendly to you on British buses? Try being 8 months pregnant and carrying a garden fork. (Wearing wellies helps too.) Everyone smiles. Old ladies ask you whether you've planted tomatoes yet. Old men will talk about anything. Children stare (but then, children always stare.) And all this because I've managed to secure myself half a plot on an allotment not far from here.

I know sweet f***-all about gardening, of course. But the internet is my friend - there are several wonderful online chat forums where I'm gathering all sorts of new ideas. Bought a spade and a fork. And off we go.

The whole plot:

I decided to start with the end next to the beanpoles. The pictures show before - and then after yesterday and today's few hours of digging.... more progress to follow :-)


Alfie's best mate said...

Wow... you're doing great :-)

forest yogini said...

Those late pregnancy nesting hormones seem to be kicking in big time! Happy beltane celebrations to you.

Gwenn said...

Alan from Dingwall says:-

"Very impressed Lisa".... but take it easy.... where is the other "digger"? Or has he gone to buy the seed potatoes (first early and main crop to follow)? Heavy manuring of the ground at this stage would be great. Does the local council sell bags of organic manure? If not important to dig in bags of next best thing from garden centre. Tatties for tea!!